This conference was hosted by the NWRDATF in collaboration with HSE Social Inclusion and focused on the response of services to Complex Trauma needs for women who may have experiencing Sexual Violence and / or Domestic Violence.
Presentations were made by WAYPOINT North West to launch their research into Service User Experiences from both the Outreach Team and the Family Addiction Support Worker.
In addition the NWRDATF would like to thank all the presenters for their excellent input.
Presentations were made by:
Dr Marie Hainsworth Donegal Domestic Violence Service, Connie McGilloway HSE SATU, Detective Inspector Siobhan Mollahan An Garda Siochana Protective Services and Noeline Devenney Donegal Rape Crisis Service.
The conference is the start of a process to look at working together and to look towards the future of challenging stigma and how to offer best practice in working with such complex cases. Follow on workshops have been planned and a steering group will be established following this. The NWRDATF staff team and Co-ordinator Donna McGee would like to thank all those who attended any queries on this event or its subject should can be made by email to tracey.mitchell1@hse.ie